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    Why should I participate in The Women’s Institute’s projects?

    Why should I participate in The Women’s Institute’s projects?
    April 13, 2019

    You should participate in our initiative because we are:

    1. Highly experienced, yet still will be in touch with the grass roots.
    2. Able to identify with the many complex challenges facing women.
    3. Aware that, while every woman is unique, there are common factors affecting us all.
    4. Professional and genuine, bringing a strategic thoughtfulness that combines tact with tactics.
    5. Flexible and approachable, addressing complex issues and attitudes with creativity, wit and intelligence, and always aware of the lighter side.
    6. Compassionate, welcoming and warm, yet highly practical, precise and influential.
    7. Just as comfortable speaking with authority to political power, media academics, opinion formers and international organisations, as we are talking to ambitious beginners and women terrified by anonymous corporate structures.
    8. Above all, we are absolutely committed to all women, acting with a passion and a purpose that are firmly focused on practical and positive outcomes.